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Bitcoin Breaks Through $55,000 as Risk Appetite Revives


Bitcoin pared its rally this week after briefly climbing past $55,000 amid ongoing speculation about whether the largest cryptocurrency can test the record it set last month.



The Republic of Turkey was established in 1923. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the nation in 2023, Turkish President Erdogan adopted various incentive policies to make Turkey one of the top ten economies in the world. In September 2018, the Turkish Parliament revised the bill to lower the minimum amount of real estate investment immigration from US$1 million to US$250,000,

ICC assures Marawi Muslims of fair action on Aghan killings


MARAWI CITY—The Information and Evidence Unit Office of the International Criminal Court Prosecutor (ICC) on Thursday (Feb 25) assured a Moro peace activist that the tribunal “will give consideration” to his letter on reported killings last year of civilians in Afghanistan by western troops.

Crypto finance firm Swipe launches Visa DeFi lending card


Crypto Finance Conference (CfC) St. Moritz, an international crypto event held in St. Moritz, will take place from Jan. 20–22, 2021, and feature speakers from key industry firms and institutions like Winklevoss Capital, Swiss National Bank, the European Parliament, Ledger and others. Cointelegraph will serve as the main media partner for the CfC St. Moritz 2021.

Decentralized exchange challenger-EZDex debuts


The financial market is constantly changing. With the continuous development of the information and financial industry, EZDex decentralized exchange will be launched on April 19, 2021, redefining its transactions and redistributing wealth.

Huawei Terbitkan Laporan Resmi "NetX 2025"


Di sesi pre-briefing yang digelar Huawei untuk media daring dan kalangan analis menjelang ajang "MWC Shanghai 2021", Peng Song, President, Carrier Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei, menyampaikan paparan berjudul "NetX 2025: The Path to Future Networks". Dalam paparannya, Peng turut meluncurkan Laporan Resmi "NetX 2025", termasuk data pendukung dari riset dan analisis IDC. Laporan ini juga me

MagniPay, platform E-Commerce bertenaga blockchain yang siap untuk menghidupkan kembali belanja online dan daya ingat pelanggan


MagniPay meluncurkan platform E-Commerce berbasis blockchain yang inovatif yang memiliki potensi untuk mengubah pengalaman belanja online zaman modern. Didukung oleh blockchain, cryptography, dan kontrak pintar, platform MagniPay menampilkan infrastruktur E-Commerce di mana konsumen dapat berbelanja menggunakan mata uang kripto pilihannya, mulus dan aman, tanpa batasan apa pun.

MagniPay Mengumumkan Platform e-Commerce Inovatif dengan Pengalaman Belanja Berinsentif yang Didukung oleh Blockchain


MagniPay, platform e-Commerce berbasis blockchain terkemuka dan penyedia dompet digital, sekarang menawarkan pelanggannya kesempatan untuk berbelanja online sambil juga dapat membeli dan menjual cryptocurrency, karena adopsi cryptocurrency terus berkembang. Yang perlu dilakukan pelanggan hanyalah mencari produk yang ingin mereka beli dan menambahkannya ke dompet mereka, masuk ke akun mereka, pilih

BYD Wins the Largest Pure-Electric Bus Order outside of China


Bogotá, Colombia - BYD is proud to announce that it has exclusively won cumulative orders to supply 1,002-unit pure-electric buses to the capital of Colombia, Bogotá. This tender was open to all bus technologies, yet BYD won the trust and cooperation of its partners in the fiercely competitive bidding process thanks to its cutting-edge technologies, products and services. This is the largest order

MAGNIPAY Strategi Subsidi Sepuluh Miliar Dolar!


Dengan berakhirnya epidemi, ekonomi global akan berangsur-angsur pulih, dan dalam satu tahun terakhir, transaksi e-commerce global meningkat hampir dua kali lipat dalam tahun-ke-tahun. Tidak ada keraguan bahwa pasar konsumen sedang bergeser diam-diam dari offline ke online, yang berarti bahwa kebiasaan konsumsi baru telah dikembangkan, tetapi supremasi pasar online yang sesungguhnya masih belum mu

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